“Blog”…that’s a funny word…mostly because it rhymes with “snog” I think. (“Snog” is a rather unromantic synonym for, well, heavy casual kissing.) Since moving to Great Britain in the fall of 2008, I have learned all sorts of fantastic words like “snog” that I can wedge into my flat American accent whenever I feel like jazzing up my speech a bit. Among these are “bollocks”, “miff”, “chuff”, “lush”, “numpty” and best of all, “bloody”, for when I don’t want to curse, but need something with which to satisfy the urge to when tangled in a curse-worthy situation. Most of these have started to come quite naturally to me in fact. I usually try to avoid using them in public, since my British friends like to “take the mick” out of my accent enough already, and my American friends get a dazed look whenever I drop a fiery “BOLLOCKS!” on them, but no matter, there is the occasional situation where no other words will fit.
And so ladies and gentleman whom I imagine are reading this but probably aren’t, stay tuned! That was only my first blog, and if I do say so myself, I think the rest will be “well good”! (One can only hope, eh?) ;)
you're cute.